Monday 22 January 2024

The weather

The recent weather has been driving me crazy! 

I really struggle with both extremes of the weather so when it gets high temperatures and people are revelling in the heat, I am always staying indoors with my air conditioner on. 
But the contrast to that is when the temperatures go the other way I really struggle then too. 

The last week or so has been a total nightmare. I have been having horrible symptoms, my hands are permanently freezing and I mean ice cold 🥶 It makes doing anything, especially things that need fine motor skills, incredibly difficult. Everything gets stiff, so my legs haven't been happy at all. Just getting up out of the sofa has been quite challenging and my pain levels have been awful. My body has been buzzing all over but then when that settles I get horrible burning sensations in my lower back, down my legs and all over the bottom of my feet. When I concentrate on that pain, it makes me feel quite sick so I try and find things to help keep me distracted. It's not easy but having Martin by my side makes things a lot easier, he has kept me busy with lots of television programmes, we like documentaries, drama's, comedy shows, comedians and films. 
We've actually got a membership at our local Picturehouse cinema and going there is a great delight. I use my wheelchair when we visit as they have proper wheelchair spaces and Martin comes in for free as he is my carer. A lot of cinemas and theatres offer this so it's always worth asking when you are booking something. We are going up to London in May to see a show and you know how bad London theatre prices can be. Well, in total, for both of us to see a show at The Coliseum it's is just over £50 and it is something we are really looking forward to! That is another thing that is very important, having things to look forward to, it makes a huge difference 👍

I know that this cold spell has broken now and things are warming up but it's been such a trying time and I know everyone has been feeling the cold but when you have a chronic condition, that leaves you vulnerable and causes pain, it really does make life much more difficult. 
We've still got February and March to come yet and they can always surprise us, so stay warm, use hot water bottles, blankets, arm warmers, anything that helps to make life more comfortable, it doesn't matter what you look like! 😜

I like to always share a bit of Rosie love, so here you are! 😻

I got a new perching stool delivered last week, so guess who thinks it's for her?!! 😹
Stay strong everyone
XxXxX 💕

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